1Our preference is to have our own office.對arrange work space  

2、學生在聽到  semiprivate的建議之後說  We’ll work with then.  後面又說他
3Assistant: Do you have the registration approval letter from the committee?
That would give verification I need.  

4Student: I don’t have it with me but I’ll get it from my dorm room.  說明他要

5、解析:Student: Speakers always charge fee.   所以這個學生認為speaker需要

  feel uncertainty

2Researchers have long been interested in whether possess this capability but
they couldn’t test it. Because animals are unable to report their feelings.  

3The closer we came in pitch to the first one, the harder will be for the dolphin
to correctly identify as it lower .  這些比較說明是通過逐漸改變pitch來實現難度增
4But there was a problem, other researchers protested that the response is
simply a learned or conditioned response.  對應A項

5So  what does it tell us about animal consciousness or animal awareness of
themselves and there state of mind?  猴子的反應並不僅僅是  condition response
6You remembered in intro psychology right?  說明教授覺得既然是基處課學過的,大家都應該知道。

1We will be looking at dinosaurs parenting behavior .  寫這個 Topic Sentence

2Well, exclusive care by the male parent is much less common, but it dose
occur......males contribute to parental care in fewer than 5% ...... It is even less
frequent on reptiles.  說明有父親看護


4This spongy tissues serves as a source of calcium for eggshell formation.  
5、教授說巢邊的恐龍骨化石並没有  spongy tissue  也就是大部分是males
由此推測males可能在take care babies.

(來源: 環球教育)   

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  Task 1:


  1) University professor

  l Impart knowledge

  l Have holidays

  l Stay with young people

  2) Environmental scientist

  l Help reduce environmental pollution

  l Can be an exemplary role

  3) Newspaper journalist

  l Reveal social evils

  Can meet more people and news
  Personally speaking, I think the university professor is the most rewarding job. And I have a couple of reasons for this. First, I think the duty of university is to impart knowledge. University professors cultivate talents for our country and can enjoy the accomplishment of educating, and at the same time, the university professor can enlarge his own scope of knowledge. Secondly, being a university professor can always keep young mentality. Because university professor always stays with young people and can be benefited by young spirits. Besides, university professors have fixed holidays compared with other jobs, which allow them to have a good rest and an adjustment of life. So that’s why I think the university professor is the most rewarding job.

  Task 2:


  A: Study in places where there are other people around.

  J 1)可以和其他人共用資料,交流想法(share information or study material with other people)

  2)有困難可以得到其他人的幫助(can ask other people for help when meeting some difficult problems)

  L 可能收到打擾,降低學習效率(can be distracted by other people and reduce efficiency)

  B: study in places where there are few or no people around.

  J 1) 安靜,不受打擾(learning in quiet atmosphere and can focus on study)


  L 可能會遇到自己無法解決的難題,學習受阻(meet some problems but no one can help)
  Personally speaking, I prefer to study in public places where there are other people around. First, I think people can share some study materials or resources with each other freely in public places, and they don’t have to worry about disturbing other people. Besides, they also can exchange their thoughts or ideas to expand their sight of view. Secondly, I think studying in public places can increase efficiency. Because when you meet some difficult problems which you cannot solve on your own, you can get other people’s help when you study with others together. But if you study alone, you just get stuck when you meet problems, and can’t move on. So that’s why I prefer to study in public places.

  Task 3:


  The writer of the letter suggests the university remove old bicycles from the racks, because they have been missed by their owners and this measure can save a lot of spaces for people using bikes. The woman in the conversation totally agrees with the proposal. First, she says that these bicycles have lost some parts such as handle bars or wheels, and many other bikes are rusty because of the rain. Or the university can attach notes on them to remind their owners to take them back, or they will be removed by the security. Secondly, the woman says that these old bikes take up a lot of spaces, and it is very difficult for other students to find a place to park. She always has to park her bike in another building, which is very inconvenient. So that’s why she agrees with the proposal.

  Task 4:


  The woman’s problem is that she is very tired because she hasn’t got a good sleep last night, but she has to give a presentation in an hour.

  The first solution is that she can talk to the professor and explain the reason. Maybe the professor will allow her to reschedule the presentation.

  The second solution is that she can try her best to give the presentation.

  I personally prefer the second solution. Because firstly, she says that she will have a lot of other tasks to do. If she put off the presentation, maybe it is difficult for her to find another proper time to give the speech. Secondly, if she has prepared enough for the presentation, she still can make a good presentation even though she is very tired, and the coffee also can help a lot.

  Task 5:


  The passage gives the definition of scatter hoarding, which means that some animals store food by dividing food into different places in order to survive food-scarce season.

  In the lecture, the professor gives the example of a kind of squirrel. This kind of squirrel collects a lot of nuts in autumn which is a season of nuts harvesting. It spends a lot of time collecting and preparing the nut. Because it is hard for it to find nuts in winter. Then it digs small holes on the ground and buries the nuts in the hole to preserve food. But it doesn’t put all the nuts in one hole. It digs a lot of holes and put just one nut in one hole. Because even other animas find some nuts of them, the squirrel still have other nuts to help it survive the winter.

  Task 6:


  In the lecture, the professor talks about two strategies for companies to diversify their products in order to increase sales. The first strategy is to use the existing technology to develop new products. The professor gives the example of a television company. The television company also can produce computer monitor because the technology for both television and computer monitor is very similar. So the company can reach new customers by developing new products. The second strategy is to appeal to existing customers by new products. The professor gives the example of a ski company. The ski company must have a lot of customers who like skiing very much. So the company also can produce some ski jackets to meet these customers’ other demand. Because these customer are likely to buy the company’s ski jackets with the same brand.

(來源: 環球教育)



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 2、正確答案CA答案對應第一段第二句, B對應第一段第三句,D對應一段最後一句。C與原文衝突,原文一直在說darwin理論被人們廣泛接受。

 3、正確答案D。划線句子的主幹部分是斷點平衡論挑戰了原來的漸進論,然後解釋了斷點平衡論的内容。A選項which修飾不明,容易產生誤解;B選項與原文矛盾,C與原文不符,原文SN的觀點是change的發生是without lengthy transition的。D和原文意思相符,並且也包含了所有的主幹部分。

 5、正確答案:C。根據lack of intermediate fossils定位到第三段倒數第二句,在往前看一句說,這一情况對於達爾文學說是不和的,而達爾文學說正是漸進論,這一段的最後也說原來的物種突然被替换,而不是漸漸進化改變的。所以C符合原文意思。 A與原文第一句破折號後矛盾,原文說這一現象一直被IgnoredB選項原文矛盾,該現象應該是反對了達爾文學說,支持了物種有長期不改變的論點。D雖然正確但是只是本段的细節,不能表達主题,所以不選。

6Compel本身是強迫,此處作為evidence的形容詞可以延伸為說服力強的。因此答案選B 有說服力的。A是驚奇的,C是有争議的,D是细節的。都不沾邊。另外通過句義可以判斷,前文说馬的進化was once 是經典的漸進論的證明,is now(輕微轉折)提供了“equally”怎麼樣的證據證明了斷點平衡論,前文既然說對gradual evolution很支持,那麼後文出現equally,那應該對斷點論也是有力證據。因此選B

8、正確答案:C 這一句話說一個怎麼樣的單一基因就足以變一個普通飛禽的一對的正常翅為兩對翅膀,所以有推理應該是要改變這個基因。所以選CAlteration是修改,變更,A選項是不完美,B是替换,D是複製帶入後都改變了原文的意思。
9、正確答案:A 根據peter Sheldon定位到原文第二句。後面對trilobites進行了描述,A選項對應了原文第三句(已用红色字體標註),後文又繼續說沒有明顯的斷點。所以A正確。 B與原文第四句衝突。C與第三句衝突,D原文沒有這種說法。而且上文也表明它符合gradual evolvement10正確答案Coccasionally,是偶然偶爾的意思。A是毫無疑問的,B是基本上,C是偶爾有一次。D是在一定程度上。因此應該選C。並且上文提出問題說是否有過逐漸進化?那麼下文給的是一個逐漸進化的例子,所以應該是在表達偶爾有一兩個的意思。

10正確答案A 上文說實地勘測會給competing theories提供test,第七段就给了試驗例子,那麼就證明是A正確。B與原文衝突,這個例子是支持漸進論的。C也不對,理由同上。D與原文目的不符。

11、正確答案C。首先句子開頭出現了They,那麼我們應該能在前文找到一個提到人物的地方,句子又提出environmental condition的作用,那麼後文應該會出現對這一理論的解釋,那麼C是符合的,也可以進行帶入驗證。









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1、正確答案:B。 看到第一段红色標註的部分說明了同樣的behavior會同時發生在play和其他一些非play的情况中。所以B正確。A與原文第一句矛盾。C選項没有提到。D選項與原文第一段最後一句矛盾。


2、正確答案A 看第二段的最後兩句。倒數第二句說動物玩耍的原因仍然在被debating,後面說確定玩耍的作用(function)非常難,那也就對應了原題的challengeBecause後面出現了原因,說這些function是長期的,其beneficial要到動物成年才出現。所以跟A選項吻痕。BC選項原文沒提到。D選項也和問題無關。


符合,另外後文提到了各種costloss。所以可以理解considerable cost可以理解為一定量的損失或者風險。

4、正確答案:B. 從Therefore開始後面的都是potential cost三種cost已經用红色字體標出。B選項看似提到了,但是原文是說失去了fat store的機會,而不是因為playbuild up了。所以B錯

5、正確答案A 原文中從other studies 開始有描述了另外的觀點。說greater stimulation不僅會影響大腦的大小,也會增加神經细胞間的連接的數量,而這個stimulation是由active play提供的。根據上文,環境越複雜,active play就越多,因此stimulation就越多,導致動物的大腦更大,也就更重。所以A選項符合這個觀點。BCD都没提到。

6、正確答案C。這道題的關鍵詞在詞needed for survival。因為prey speciespredator species對於survival的要求不同,所以導致他們play behavior也不同。所以選C ABD原文都沒提到。


8、正確答案C 這道題中的原句主幹是learning social behavior is important,特别是對於群居的動物。然後用了monkey做例證。A選項只提到了monkeys要控制自己才能融入群體,但沒提到主幹部分。 B選項說自私和攻擊性強的動物藥學social behavior,這就把其他動物排除在外了,改變了原句的意思。C正確,不僅提到了monkey也說到了其他的social animalswhich means species that live in groups)為了融入群體要學social behavior D是錯誤選項,原文並沒說猴子太自私以至於不能理解give and take…與原文矛盾,不選。

9、正確答案:Bpotentially潛在地。A是毫無疑問地; B是可能地;C是不幸地;D是快速地。前半句中有May be,表達了一半可能性,後半句沒有轉折,應該是接上上半句往下說的。所以意思應該相近。


10、正確答案D 這一段前半部分一直在描述說有動物之間為誤以為是真的aggression,中間出現了thus證明後面會說解决的方法。這裡說解决方法是用clear signals 去表達playfulness。所以答案是D

、正確答案D。要插入的句子開頭為With message such as those,那麼說明前面肯定會描述一些messages,後面又說even dogs,那證明前面應該也提到了狗的行為。所以這裡應該插在最後一個空裡。

正確答案:A E F


讓B這個原文沒有提到,雖然第三段提到了potential cost,後面也說adults通常會讓young在相對安全的情况下play,但並沒有說太多太多的小動物變成了victims。不選

C這個原文雖然說他們要學social behavior,但诶提到說這類動物要學著去dominant,不選


E對應原文第三段,potential cost提到了loss of energysecurity risks等等,但是第一段也提到說playlong-term beneficial的,第四段開頭說好處一定會outweighcosts正確,選

 F選項對應原文第四,五段。第四段說Play會影響大腦發育,神經细胞間連接的數量。第五段說到了有益於muscle tissue的發育。後文第六段也提到了social Benefits。正確,選

、正確答案:C 根據young & adult定位到第六段第一句。說成年動物要讓年輕的動物在相對安全的環境下玩。 因此可以得到答案C正確。A原文沒有說讓young去學怎麼dominantB原文雖然提到social group 但沒提到是從adults身上學習。D原文完全没有相關描寫。




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您在每一部英文影片中所聽到的談話都是美國人生活中自然而真實的英語對話,無論是在課堂上或是教科書,您絕對難得有機會能學到這種 Real English Convesation。這次推薦5部當代美國經典的英文電影,讓您以最有趣且輕鬆的方式學習更多真正的日常英語會話。另外,看英文電影還能幫助您更深入瞭解西方社會的文化和歷史,而且影片的話題也是很能夠引起興趣的英語學習題材。 
1. Toy Story – 玩具總動員
為甚麼用迪士尼電影學英文:兒童動畫影片Toy Story充滿歡笑和幽默,而且以簡單的英語對話讓您聽得懂劇情。玩具總動員的遣詞用字並不複雜,影片中的英語句子也不會艱深難懂,迪士尼英文電影雖是為小孩子設計的動畫卡通影片,但也很適合作為學生或成人學英文的教材。看完後要記得”This town ain’t big enough for the two of us.”這句經典句子
主要演員:蒂姆‧艾倫 (Tim Allen)、湯姆‧漢克斯 (Tom Hanks) 。
影片故事概要:一部充滿歡笑的迪士尼動畫電影,小男孩安(Andy) 迪漸漸長大,一日終於要離家求學,安迪小時候熱愛的玩具胡迪(Woody)與巴斯(Buzz Lightyear)害怕即將被遺棄。這一天,安迪的媽媽要安迪將兒時玩具處理掉,雖然安迪不捨得,但陰錯陽差之下,玩具們被送至陽光托兒所,玩具們為了重回小主人的懷抱,即將展開一場史上最大規模的逃亡行動。
2. The Social Network – 社群網戰
用這部英語電影能學甚麼英文:「社群網戰」不只叫好又叫座,由於Facebook的普及性,更讓 The Social Network 成為眾人茶餘飯後的討論焦點。這部影片對白自然而搞笑,比較適合非母語的學習者練習英文會話和聽力。
當然你也能在這部電影中學習大量關於電腦、科技和社群網路的英文單字,並學到一句經典名言:I invented Facebook!
主演:傑西‧艾森伯格(Jesse Eisenberg)、賈斯汀(Justin Timberlake)、安德魯‧加菲爾德(Andrew Garfield)。
劇情簡介:哈佛的電腦鬼才馬克佐克柏(Mark Zuckerberg)在求歡被拒之後憤而設立全球最大的交友網站Facebook的傳奇故事。沒人料到這個在宿舍間建立的網站會風靡全世界,在短短幾年間,Facebook用戶已經超過五億人口,除了改寫世界紀錄之外,更讓這位宅男天才成為最年輕的億萬富翁,而Facebook背後的利益牽扯和龐大商機,會為主角帶來什麼樣的風暴呢? 
3. The Hangover – 醉後大丈夫
看電影學英文為何要選擇這部影片?因為片中劇情熱鬧搞笑,能維持你對英語電影的興趣。這部喜劇影片需要大量的視覺來理解劇情,才能更容易聽懂片中人物之間的英語對話。除了學到了”What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”這句英語名言之外,如果你打算遷移到美國,學習現代美國俚語與實用日常英語,例如「Stag party」(單身派對)、「All-nighter」(熬夜)等,也是看The Hangover的收獲,這將幫助你融入日常生活中。
主演:艾德‧赫爾姆斯(Ed Helms)、布萊德利‧庫珀(Bradley Cooper)、查克葛里芬納奇(Zach Galifiankis)。
4. The Hunger Games – 飢餓遊戲
看The Hunger Games學英文:這部充滿經典視覺效果的英文電影,巧妙地以動作、愛情、未來的元素構成影片的情節。雖然劇情節奏較快,但是使用簡潔、淺顯易懂而且速度適中的美國口音英語對話,讓您比較容易理解劇中人物的對談,可以聽懂”Here’s some advice, stay alive!”這句英語名言。將這部英文電影當作學習英語的教材,一定勝過讀好幾本學校的教科書。
主演:詹妮弗‧勞倫斯(Jennifer Lawrence)、連恩漢斯沃(Liam Hemsworth)。
5. Forrest Gump – 阿甘正傳
勵志電影Forrest Gump可當作一部實用的學英文影片,劇中以簡單的語言,加上容易效仿的特色,十分適合各種程度的學習者。觀看阿甘正傳這部英文電影除了增進聽力,學習英語口語,譬如片中的 “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.”這句經典名言,而且您能夠從影片中了解許多美國文化和歷史,訓練自己整體的英語理解能力。更值得學習的是,當在練習英語會話或跟外國人以email交流時,阿甘正傳的勵志故事也是值得討論的話題之一。
主演:湯姆‧漢克斯(Tom Hanks, , and )、羅賓‧萊特(Robin Wright)、加里辛尼斯(Gary Sinise)和莎莉‧菲爾德(Sally Field)。
劇情介紹:Forrest Gump(湯姆漢克斯飾)在等待公車時,開始向陌生人敘述自己的悲慘故事揭開了影片的序幕。阿甘在小時被發現腿部有問題,開始了他的悲慘人生。除了腿部的殘缺之外,還得忍受同學的霸凌。直到有一天他除去腿部支架後,竟然發現能跑得比以前還快。之後,Forrest Gump報名參加越戰,發展出精彩的故事情節。

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