▶ 有考生曾經對一個話題
“A school is planning to organize its students to visit the workplace. Which place do you recommend the students to visit? 1. A science lab; 2. A business office; 3. A TV studio. Use specific details and examples to support your response.”
▶ 做出了如下開頭式的回答:
“If a school is planning to organize its students to visit the workplace, I will choose go to a science lab.”
我們如果說:“I would rather visit the workplace…”這樣的開頭既簡潔,又能對題幹進行很好的paraphrase。
▶ 類似改述的表達還可以是:
- Which of these do you prefer? 可以換為I would like to have... I would like to...
- Which option would you prefer? 換為I think that v.-ing...is the better approach
- Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 可以換為I believe the statement is reasonable. In other words I think..
- Which factor is more important to you? 改為I would rather have...
- Which way of life do you think is better? 改為I prefer to...
- Which opinion do you think is better? 改為I tend to support the opinion that…is…
- Which approach do you think is better for students? 改為My opinion is that students should...
▶ 所以在toefl考試前考生可以專門拿當月的托福機經題目去練習開頭的變化方式,提前通過類比練習做好準備,做到看到題目就可以脫口而出自己改述過的答案。
比如問道:“If visitors from another country planned to visit your country, where would you recommend they go? Explain your choice in detail.”
“If I were asked to give suggestions about cities to foreign visitors, I would recommend New York City---it is truly a city that never sleeps. There are endless things to do and see all year long. No matter what you’re in the mood for, New York has it. Some great restaurants, hotels and shops are located in this city. I’d suggest the visitors start the day off by walking around in beautiful Central Park, then have lunch downtown in The Village and go shopping in SoHo. In the evening, they could go see a Broadway show. Then, the next day, the sightseers could visit the Statue of Liberty, walk around Times Square and maybe even see a New York Yankees baseball game. And, if they didn’t want to spend a lot of money, New York is the perfect city for people-watching.”
在這一段答案中,很棒的一個前提就是“it is truly a city that never sleeps”, 這就說明紐約對於遊客來說是一個能從早玩到晚的城市,答案就顯得很充實。我們下面就對這個答案進行個性化改造,變成廣州版的。
If I were asked to give suggestions about cities to foreign visitors, I would recommend Guangzhou—it is truly a city that brings rich history and modern items together. There are endless things to do and see all year long. No matter what you’re in the mood for, GZ has it. Some fancy restaurants, hotels and shops are located in this city. Id suggest the visitors start the day off by walking around in Zheng Jia Square, which is a central general store, and my friends can taste traditionally Cantonese morning breakfast and go shopping in it. In the evening, they could see Canton Tower, a luminous TV station. Standing on the top of skyscraper, they will overlook full views of GZ. Therefore, GZ is a must-visit city for my foreign friends.
很多同學在TOEFL ibt 的 聽、讀、寫三個單項中, 通過一定的練習, 可以輕鬆達到26+的分數。 然而要達到口說單項26+ 卻沒有那麼簡單,其原因就是考官理解你的response有困難。 那麼根本上來說, 主要還是思維方式的不一樣導致很多同學卡在了23,24 這樣的瓶頸。下面將通過這篇文章和大家分享如何用英文思維來回答1、2題。
▶ 首先, 托福口說的回答重在如何去描述而並非回答。 考官更在意你的表達而非你的答案。 比如曾經筆者在考試的時候遇到了一個這樣的題:
“Do you agree or disagree that classrooms should have video cameras for security?”( 你對教室裝設攝影機這一措施同意嗎?)
當很多同學面臨這個題的時候很難抉擇, 確實,我們生活中也很少考慮這樣看似無聊的問題。 於是考生們就會很焦慮: 要是我沒做選擇會不會扣我很多分啊? 其實如果你真的不知道該怎麼回答, 完全可以回答一個不知道, 並且大膽的猜想。 重申一次, 托福口說的一二題考的並不是看你是否同意他的觀點或者給他一個完美的answer, 而是看到這個題用什麼樣的語言結構去描述的。 所以你開頭完全可以這樣說並且說出自己的猜想, 這裡我貢獻一個滿分答案的開頭。
“Wow! I think that’s a pretty difficult question about if security cameras should be in classrooms. I think that if we’re talking about America, unfortunately, I think yes – the classrooms should have video cameras”
既然我們的評分是在於語言而非答案, 所以我們要避免那些“斬釘截鐵”的話語。 反而, 我們需要在我們的句子里加上一些其他的成分是句子更加的複雜和流暢, 彰顯我們的語言能力。這也是符合英文說話習慣的。
▶ 老師認為, 在英文寫作裡, 我們應該提倡簡潔原則, 可是在口說裡, 我們提倡長句原則。 因為英美國家的人說話習慣並不是我們傳統意義上認為的“直接”, 對比下, 漢語的表達會更直接。
比如我邀請一個很漂亮的女孩出去約會, 我會問她: 你這個星期什麼時候有空?中文回答的思路往往會把重要的資訊點放在句子的前面, 比如: 我星期天晚上有空。 星期天才是這個句子的核心部分。
然而英語(精品課)思維卻是在答案前堆積一大堆的無關的細節, 比如: Well, I think I would have time probably on Sunday. 前面的 “Well, I think I would have time probably on….” 就是冗詞。 所以當我們回答托福獨立題的時候, 儘量的添加一些囉嗦的成分這樣才聽著像native speaker思考的方式。
比如我們試音的時候有個:“Describe the city you live in”.同學回答的時候往往會這樣回答:“ I live in Hong Kong. It’s impeccably impressive. I love my hometown. ”