



把圖片中所有的單字快速的翻譯出來,順便猜想會有什麼句型出現。聽題目內的關鍵字,如果題目是”What time…?”那答案就一定是關於幾點鐘。需要有邊聽邊讀、一心兩用的能力,平常如未多做練習,很容易手忙腳亂。務必比聽力內容更快讀完題目,才能掌握住聽力內容的答案關鍵字。 







閱讀測驗搶分秘訣:九大文法重點 + 秒殺題解法


優,860分以上未達母語為英語人士之語言程度 , 但能與人流暢溝通/國外進修
中,470分以上能應付日常生活需要 , 固定範圍內與人達成業務溝通/大專院校




Mr. 秀賢星星王子

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從字面上來看,我認為背單字的動詞不應該用「背」,而是要用「了解」單字 (所以本文提及的「背單字」=「認識更多字彙」),而「單字」的對應英文是「Vocabulary」,中譯為「字彙」,但我建議大家把他想成「字庫」的概念 = 字的倉庫,倉庫裡的字就是你會用的字,在什麼時候,該拿出什麼字來用。因此,你的字庫越大,會運用的字越多,你的英文就越好。舉例來說,「我知道」的意思,若用英文說,以下皆成立:
I know / I see
I understand / I comprehend
I got it / I read you / I got you / gotcha
Sure / Of course
you bet / you got it
no problem / no doubt / not a quesiton...等等
這篇不是在教單字啦,重點是「同樣意思,你會幾種表達方式」,「單字」不應該是單個字(word),而是「用法」,當然很多時候這兩者是重疊的,所以才會覺得「背單字」很重要,好像會很多單字 = 很會用,但當然不一定,我認為應該反過來,「會用」比「單字多」重要,所以要在「會用」的基礎上去認識更多單字
你的「字庫」就是你的英文彈藥庫,子彈越多,能攻擊的範圍就越大。有了「字庫」(vocabulary)的概念後,你會發現在初期,這件事很重要,到了中期,多數事情能表達出來,也許就會忽略「認識更多字」這件事,然後英文成長停滯,你會想說反正「我知道」就用「I know」即可,知道那麼多用法幹嘛?這些人到了後期,會開始顯得詞窮,然後發現其實「背單字」這件事還是很重要,他是英文持續進步最關鍵的一件事,一直都是

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Task 1

   When do you think is a good time for a person to learn a second language? 2015 9 5 日托福口語機經下載

   Task 2

   Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Friends can maintain friendship even if they have disagreements.

   Task 3

   The school plans to prohibit bicycles on campus because it’s too dangerous for pedestrians to have bikes around and the school provides bus service for students to get around.

   The woman in the conversation disagrees with this plan. First, accidents often happen at night because of low visibility on campus. It’s not really dangerous to bike in the day. Second, the campus is very big, and the bus comes only once an hour. It runs around all buildings on campus and you have to wait for an hour if you miss one, both of which take a lot of time.

   Task 4

   Animals protect their territories by defending those of their own species but not of others. For example, during breeding seasons, a kind of bird would attack other birds that make different sounds from its own. But if it hears familiar calls, it won’t attack or chase the birds making the calls. 2015 9 5 托福口語機經 下載

   Task 5

   The woman’s problem is that she’s invited to a conference in New York but she’s concerned about her living arrangement. The first solution is to live in a hotel, but it’s very expensive. If she does that, she has to save money on lunch and miss some events like concerts and stuff. The second solution is to crash at her aunt Mary’s place, but it’s an hour away from the conference venue which means she will then miss the dinner after the conference and thus the opportunity to meet famous professors. 2015 9 5 日托福口語機經下載

   Task 6

   The professor talks about two ways a third party can help resolve problems between two people. The first is mediation. For example, two roommates are having a conflict. They will then find a mutual friend to come up with a solution they both agree on. The second is arbitration. For example, the two roommates can tell a third person the story that caused the conflict, and the third party agrees with one and disagrees with the other, and the two roommates have to accept the result no matter what.


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  考生回憶:有的魚周圍有磁場可以用來感應事物。科學家做了一個實驗,把一種瞎的鱼從熟悉的環境放到不熟悉的環境裡,發现僅管看不見,但是這些鱼還是能找到一些holes。同時磁場還能根據物種的性别發生變化。比如在交配(mating)的时候female male就明顯不一样。還有就是可以識別個體。如果兩條鱼的速率(rate)很相似,那麼它們就會調整自己的速率讓這個區别變得可識别的。


  考生回憶:講的在寒武紀(Cambrian)的物種大爆發(species explosion)。這個時期的物種演化的速率和多樣性都是别的時期所無法媲美的。科學家們提出了幾個可能性的原因。





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In order to attract more tourists, government should improve the safety by hiring more police or improve the appearance by improving the old buildings and streets.

  Nowadays, for the economic development of a city, the government place undue emphasis on how to boost its tourism industry. While some experts show their enthusiasm on selling their cities to outside tourists by publicizing good social security via recruiting more police, I hold a different opinion. From my perspective, improving old buildings and streets is a better alternative.201595日托福獨立寫作機經下載

  Admittedly, hiring more police might be useful in attracting tourists. When government is focusing on recruiting more policemen, these new recruiters would be helpful in improving social security standards. Thanks to the improved standards, more visitors might be relieved about the city when paying a visit to the city; hence the the city reputation would be enhanced. However, on balance, only focusing on police while not improving building places of interest is not enough. Without places about culture or places for amusement parks, visitors still would not come even if social security is good. To attract more visitors, a more effective way would be to improve olds buildings.201595日托福獨立寫作機經下載


  To begin with, improving old buildings helps preserve old cultures. In other words, more visitors would love to visit places with cultural value so the maintenance of old buildings is attractive to them. For example, when Beijing government begins to repair the Great Wall, the symbol of diligence of ancient Chinese people, the experts pay great attention on building the wrecked walls and restoring some stone relics. Meanwhile, they reshape some broken bricks for the steps so that visitors could step onto the Great Wall. As a result, an increasing number of visitors from foreign countries come to Beijing to watch the marvelous Great Wall building on top of piles of mountains. On the contrary, if hiring more police, though government would gain reputation for their good management in social security, it would not add to any cultural attraction.201595托福獨立寫作機經下載

  In addition, improving the streets makes it convenient for tourists. That's is to say, tourists would love to visit places with convenient facilities. According to a survey conducted on Sina Weibo, after polling hundreds of tourists from the National Holiday, a significant percentage of them claim that when deciding a place as their touring destination, they are more likely to choose a city with broader streets. In their minds, when the city is built with convenient streets and beautiful auxiliary facilities, this urban planning would give tourists a sense of modernism and make them feel go into colorful metropolitan life. With these perfect streets, public transport would be convenient for them to visit both in city and around city.

  To sum up, due to the reasons I lost above, I would regard that by perfecting streets and maintaining old buildings, government would be more likely to attract tourists to visit the city.


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