Paragraph 1: Life places us in a complex web of relationships with other people. Our humanness arises out of these relationships in the course of social interaction. Moreover, our humanness must be sustained through social interaction—and fairly constantly so. When an association continues long enough for two people to become linked together by a relatively stable set of expectations, it is called a relationship.(TPO13P1)
2. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of a relationship?
A、It is a structure of associations with many people.
B、 It should be studied in the course of a social interaction.
C、 It places great demands on people.
D、It develops gradually overtime.
解析:這道問題的難度實際上是比照高的,因為得多同硯對於定位很難著手,因為relationship寬泛整個段落。確鑿,盡心的考生不難發現,真實問題的發問物件切實不是relationship,而是a relationship。以是遵照何等的對問題的綜合就不難創造,本問題的定位就理應在段落的收尾一句,也就不罕有出答案是D了。此外各句子的物件實際上是relationships,講的是相關存在的整個配景。只有末端一句對relationship做出了定義式的解析。而許多考生由於對於問題沒有發展很是負責的綜合,就會招致勿選——因為此外選項呈現了很多原文中的單詞。