這篇是整理之前補習班老師上課的多益單字筆記: 多益必考單字跟例句以及相似(同義)字補充,多益真的很愛考同義字,這是老師上課不斷強調的觀念,而我依據自己的準備多益的經驗也發現確實是如此。
confiscate(v.) 沒收
例句:The government confiscated the CEO’s belongings after he was found guilty of tax evasion.
相似字: seize
enact(v.) 制定
例句:The Senate approved and enacted the tax reform bill.
相似字: take effect, enforce
exhaust(v.) 耗盡
例句:The department exhausted its budget before the end of the month.
相似字: consume, drain
confront(v.) 面對
例句:The defendant confronted his accuser in a court of law.
相似字: face, encounter
retrieve(v.) 恢復;挽回
例句:Mattew discarded the file and couldn’t retrieve it.
相似字: regain, get back, recover
overcome(v.) 克服
例句:The construction team worked hard to overcome the obstacles they face on the building project.
相似字: conquer, defeat, overpower
surpass(v.) 超過;優於
例句:The document is so technical that it surpasses comprehension.
相似字: excel, exceed, go beyond
puzzle(v.) 困惑
例句:Meg was puzzled by the strange message on her answering machine.
相似字: perplex, bewilder
annoy(v.) 打擾
例句:The president was annoyed by a man who shouted at her during her speech.
相似字: irritate
例句: Mark has decided to convert his assets into cash.
相似字: transform, change, make into
例句: Please discard recyclable trash in the bins provided.
相似字: dump, dispose of, abandon
例句: The pharmaceutical firm came up with a new drug that quickly alleviates cold symptoms.
相似字: relieve, diminish, mitigate
例句: The local residents were evacuated due to the forest fire.
相似字: take shelter, vacate, relinquish
例句: Ms. Larson will preside as chairperson of the board from now on.
相似字: chair
例句: The police detained the suspects for questioning.
相似字: retain
例句: Larry was lost in the building and wandered down the halls for ages.
相似字: roam, stroll
例句: Many cranes were needed to dismantle the huge structure.
相似字: demolish
例句: Some employees tend to linger a while after work.
相似字: stay, remain
例句: Membership in the labor union has swelled to three hundred members.
相似字: balloon
例句: Pollution and global warming are jeopardizing the agricultural industry.
相似字: endanger, imperil
例句: The boy ran away after being teased by his classmates.
相似字: make fun of, poke fun at